Microchipping | Riverside Animal Hospital | Local Veterinarians


A microchip is one of the best ways to help your furry family member get home safely, should they ever become lost.

In fact, we feel it’s so important, that we offer it at a very affordable rate here at Riverside Animal Hospital:

It’s only $15 for a microchip, plus free lifetime registration.

Some statistics report that 1 in 3 pets will go missing in their lifetime… and, without identification, 90% won’t find their way back home…

While no one ever expects a pet to run away… sometimes, it does happen. Dogs and cats are naturally curious, and might get outside by accident. Here are some of the most common reasons why pets get lost in Coral Springs:

  • Open doors or windows
  • Getting spooked by a loud noise (like thunder or fireworks)
  • Separation anxiety
  • Natural disasters like hurricanes
  • Seeing another dog or cat (or squirrel) outside
  • Looking for a mate
  • Being confused by a move to a new home

When a pet gets lost, it can be very scary — and, we want to give your pet their best chance of returning to you quickly and safely.

A microchip is a lost pet’s ticket home

Unlike collars and tags that can fall off, a microchip is a form of permanent identification for your dog or cat, that lasts their entire life.

It’s inserted under the skin of their neck, and the unique, specific number of that microchip is linked to your contact information, inside of a database. Then, when the microchip is read by a device called a “scanner,” the number pops up on the screen.

Basically, if we find a lost pet… we’ll scan their microchip, look up their information, and then contact the pet’s parents so the pet can be returned to their family.

And since other veterinary hospitals and animal shelters also have microchip scanners, they can help get your pet back to you, too.

How is a microchip placed?

A microchip is inserted under the skin using a needle, and the process is very similar to receiving a vaccine.

A microchip is very small — only the size of a grain of rice — so the needle we use is small, too.

It doesn’t require any anesthesia, and can be done in just a few seconds. Most pets are their usual rambunctious selves right after the microchip is placed. And, complications are extremely rare.

A microchip is not a tracking device

One common question we hear at Riverside Animal Hospital is whether or not a microchip can track your pet, such as with a GPS tracker…

Microchips currently don’t have this capability. But, they are still the best way to help a lost pet get back to you safely!

If you’d like to learn more, or to schedule your furry friend to receive a microchip, give us a call at 954-575-7915.

Or, request an appointment time here.

And if you’re unsure whether or not your pet already has a microchip — we can scan them to find out for you.